KCA Mistletoe – Dec 2021

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After a long and tough year coping with COVID the community came out in large numbers – all for the glow of Mistletoe. The KCA’s annual Christmas event was well attended by young and old alike. The traditional pageantry of song and dance, carol singing, and skits kept the audience happily engaged. The Catholic Club was lit up with strobe lights, and festive brilliance, and was ideal setting for the celebration of Christmas togetherness.

In keeping with tradition of celebration, a prominent member of the community, Corinne Rasquinha, founder and President of NGO, White Doves – was felicitated. 

White Doves has been rehabilitating destitutes for over 25 years, has rehabilitated over 650 destitutes from the streets and reunited 395 destitutes with their families in different states of India. Presently White Doves runs the largest Psychiatric Nursing and Destitute Home with 200 beds in Mangalore. Educating the poor children and running a home for the children White Doves also distributed over 250 meals to the hungry every day on the streets during the lockdown 2021. Corrine Rasquinha was awarded the Dakshina Kannada District Rajyothsava Award 2015 for Social Service in recognition of her yeoman service to the downtrodden for several years. Amidst the glow, and the cheers of celebration at Mistletoe, Hilma Roach, President, KCA, felicitated the Corrine Rasquinha for her stellar contribution to society.

The KCA Committee members played anchor at all key areas of the event – at the ticket counters, food counters, tables, stage, music and welcome to chief guest, and sponsorships amongst others. The team had worked hard in the sub-committees formed for the event. There was unprecedented support from sponsors, which was creditable for the KCA leadership. The youth expectedly showed great enthusiasm, and a significant number of guest tickets were sold to the young generation. The festivities, and joys of meeting friends and family went on into the wee hours, and clearly one and all felt Mistletoe 2021 was a great success.