Capt. Sachin R Sequeira Awarded Shaurya Chakra

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“Capt Sachin R Sequeira, son of Archie and Dr. Thelma Sequeira, is currently appointed as the Commanding Officer of INS Kochi. During the recent cyclonic storm Tauktae in the North Arabian Sea, INS Kochi, under his able leadership, undertook Search and Rescue Operations, in extremely challenging weather and sea conditions, resulting in saving over 125 lives from the stricken Barge P 305 at the Offshore Development Area (ODA).

This brave act of leadership and courage was in keeping with the ethos of the Navy and in service of the Nation in times of peril and adversity. For his extraordinary bravery, courageous leadership, exemplary grit and determination, in the face of extremely challenging conditions, the officer is recommended for the award.”

(Excerpted from Award Citation)
